I just can’t say enough about this family right here. The Tenney’s came to me when I very first started my photography business and have had me take their family pictures every year since. They are some of my dearest friends and some of the funniest, sweetest people I know. And these photos are now sacred as just a couple of months after they were taken little Brighton (in the purple) passed away suddenly. I don’t know of much in the way of pain that can compare to losing a child. I’ve been amazed at the strength my dear friends have found as they wade through unimaginable grief. I love them and feel so honored to be a part of their lives.
I miss Brighton and think of her daily. She and I share a birthday and she LOVED being in front of my camera.
One of the things that has happened since her passing is this movement called Brighton A Day. You simply find some way to help someone or just something nice to hopefully “brighton” their day and post about it using the hashtag #brightonaday. I encourage you to check out www.brightonaday.com and spread a little more love and joy in this world on behalf of Brighton who’s presence always left my life a little brighter.