P Family - Salt Lake County Family Photographer

This is why I love what I do. Not only are these guys super photogenic but they really do love each other. That's my favorite thing about family photography: capturing the love and relationships people spend their lives building. Marriage and children are a lot of work but it's so so worth it.

G Family - Utah County Family Photography

Sure do love this little family. These girls are our go-to sitters. My boys ask for them on almost a daily basis. We have met some of the most stellar families here in Saratoga and these guys are no exception. Thanks for letting me do your family pictures this year guys!

Hanna, Utah - Utah Landscape Photography

Went camping in Hanna, Utah this past weekend with some friends. Sometimes my jaw just drops in awe of the beauty of this state I call home. I don't always feel the love for Utah (like most of the winter months) but it really is such a beautiful place to live. Especially if you're willing to drive a couple of hours. 

Blossom Clothing Boutique Shoot - Utah Studio Fashion Photography

Go check out Blossom Clothing Boutique in American Fork, Utah. They have some super cute stuff. Big thanks to them for letting me take these promotional photos for them. And big thanks to our gorgeous model, Tiffany. If you are looking for custom design work of any kind, be sure and check out her Etsy shop: Paper & Pleats. She is beyond talented in t[...]

Second shooting at Manti - Manti Utah Wedding Photography

Sometimes you just hit the jackpot with life. That's how I felt this day in second shooting for the lovely Diane Moncion at one of her weddings in Manti. Diane is all sorts of talented and her couple was so crazy in love and the weather was beautiful. Like I said, jackpot day. Thanks for having me along Diane!