Author archives: Ali Sumsion

W Family - Murray Utah Family Photography

My job brings me together with the most stellar people and this family was no exception. We had a blast taking these photos at Wheeler Farm. If you are thinking about getting your family photos taken this spring, feel free to contact me. Happy spring!

Jordyn Class of 2013 - Salt Lake County Senior Photography

Oh Jordyn. She's a beaut, that's for sure. But I have to say her best quality is her sense of humor. We just laughed the whole time on this shoot. She is a wonderful, wonderful girl. Congrats on graduating this year Jordyn! This was the point where a car full of teenage boys drove by and whistled. 

Drewey Boy

I'm trying to be better about capturing the boys with my big girl camera on a regular basis (as opposed to my iPhone). When Drew wakes up for the day, he is without a doubt the most delighted little cherub you ever did meet. He smiles and kisses me with abandon and hops, skips and sings his way to breakfast. It is quite the experience to wake up with this [...]